
Tue, Apr

Members and guests celebrate the 60 year anniversary of Ithaca House

On Sunday 14 October, the Ithacan Philanthropic Society celebrated the 60th anniversary of opening of Ithaca House at our clubrooms.

Our 'home away from home' was filled to the brim with members and guests dressed in 60s inspired outfits sipping retro cocktails and enjoying delicious canapes as they reminisced about all the wonderful events they attended at Ithaca House over many decades.

Executive Committee member, Andrew Raftopoulos, paid tribute to the late Nick Sofarnos, the architect who designed Ithaca House and we were delighted that members of Nick's family could attend this special celebration.

Guests learnt about the five generous Ithacans who acted as Guarantors in the 50s, to the tune of 5000 pounds each, to start the process of building Ithaca House (which was recently heritage listed). To illustrate the enormous commitment by each Guarantor, 5,000 pounds represented the cost of a house at that time.

Congratulations to Andrea Scotis, who won best dressed, wearing an original, full length 60s gown in a beautiful brocade.

There are so many people to thank for making the 60 year anniversary event possible including the Executive, Historical and Events Committees.

A special thank you to our members, our friends from AHEPA, and Pano Apostolou from SBS for joining us to make it a sensational day. Click here to listen to Pano's report of our event on SBS radio - 'This is Ithaca': The 60th Anniversary of Melbourne's Ithaca House.

Please continue to support our events so that we may continue to provide the same high level of support for our community here and in Greece, and to ensure that our Ithacan roots are celebrated by generations well into the future.