Membership Eligibility

New members are welcome

Select the membership category that applies to you:

Open to persons, 21 years and over, born in Ithaca, Greece, or a descendant of such person.

Persons aged between 18-20 years, born in Ithaca Greece, or a descendant of such person can apply for this special membership category.

Open to any person, aged 18 years and over, of good character, not born in Ithaca Greece, or a descendant of such person.

Rights and Benefits of Active Membership & Active Youth Membership

  • The right to attend and vote at General Meetings of the Society, both Annual & Special

  • The right to nominate for election to the Ithacan Philanthropic Society “The Ulysses” Executive Committee (1)

  • The right to vote at Executive Committee elections

  • Subsidised Youth Membership  (2)

  • Subsidised Senior Membership  (3)

  • Year 12 Awards for members’ children (4)

  • Subsidised social events such as Christmas Luncheon

  • Christmas presents for members’ children.

  • Copy of the Odysseus newspaper (mail or electronic as requested) (5)

  • Receipt of news updates via eBulletin (6)

  • Preferential rates for use of the Society’s Clubrooms 

Benefits of Social Membership

  • Subsidised Senior Membership (3)

  • Subsidised social events such as Christmas Luncheon

  • Christmas presents for members’ children.

  • Copy of the Odysseus newspaper (hardcopy or digital as requested) (5)

  • Receipt of news updates via eBulletin (6)

  • Preferential rates for use of the Society’s Clubrooms 

Explanatory notes

  1. To serve on the Executive Committee, a person must be aged 21 years or more.

  2. Youth Membership is subsidised by the Society, which means that Youth Members will not have to pay the Active membership fee. Youth Membership is available for a period of 3 years. The commencement date of Youth Membership will be determined by the year and month that the application is received by the Executive Committee. At the expiry of the Youth Membership, the young person will be invited to become a full Active Member.

  3. Members 80 years and over may be eligible for Senior Membership. Senior Membership requires the applicant to be a current member of the Society with at least 3 consecutive years of membership before turning 80. 

    Senior Membership is subsidised by the Society, which means that Senior Members are no longer required to pay the membership fee. 

    At its discretion, the Executive Committee may, in certain circumstances, admit a current member to Senior Membership before the age of 80.

  4. Eligibility to apply for Year 12 awards requires the parent of the applicant to be a current member of the Society with at least 2 consecutive years of membership immediately preceding the application for the award. 

    In the case of a deceased member, their children will still be eligible to apply for an award.

  5.  In the interests of the environment and to minimise distribution costs, a multi-member household, may elect to receive one hard-copy paper per family.

  6.  New members will automatically receive the eBULLETIN. Members who do not wish to receive the eBULLETIN can unsubscribe.